Weight Loss Clinic

Weight Loss

Adults with obesity are at an increased risk for many serious health conditions such as Heart Disease, Stroke, Type 2 Diabetes, and Cancer. There is growing scientific evidence that weight management medication can address the biological components of obesity for some people. In some cases, willpower alone is not enough because of the genetic, biological, environmental, and/or socioeconomic factor.

Diabetes drugs such as Ozempic and Mounjaro have been proven in clinical trials to help shed weight in additions to managing the disease. Clinical interventions require medication and lifestyle education, and pairing these medications with science backed lifestyle modification can help with weight loss.

Baya's nutrition and behavior change program can provide the support needed to help build livable health habits for long term weight management.

It is our responsibility as a trusted member of the healthcare team to support those patients interested in exploring medication options for weight management.

Call us today to get started!